
Jhonatan de Faria
21 years

Flamboyant, 123 – Parque das Flores – São Paulo – Brazil, 08391-290


Objective – Internship in foreign trade – correlated vacancies.

Work experience

I worked at Nestlé Brazil, for one month. My duties were to control and help in the stock, whereby I could understand more about logistics in practice. From 06/2017 until 07/2017.


Associate’s degree in foreign trade – in course, last semester. End on 06/2019. – two-year duration – University Nine of July

Informatics and technology – concluded on 02/2011. – one-year duration – Windows XP, Internet, and Outlook, Word 2007, Excel 2007, PowerPoint 2007, Access 2007, Linux (Ubuntu 9.04), Corel Draw X4, Photo-Paint X4. (update to Office 2010 and 2016).

Associate’s degree at Anhembi Morumbi – concluded on 11/2017 – one-year duration – Logistics management, Enterprises management, and Industrial management – governmental program, three courses.

Harvard University – Contract law – From the trust to promise to contract. This course aimed at all phases in a contract, and all the intervenient information about general negotiation rules. (online course).

Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Management of Supply Networks for Products and Services – this course was targeting to demonstrated how the supply chain and distribution is working through the logistics. (online course).

Stanford University – writing in the sciences – this course was technical and based on the concise way of writing in the professional field, so that the writing exams were completely technical. (online course).

University of derby – Depression: A Compassionate View – As I want to be a leader, I intend to analyze my team. Therefore, I wanted to understand all I could about depression to prevent my comrades from this illness. (online course).


(English – fluent level) (Spanish – Intermediate level) (Portuguese – Native) (German – Basic level), (French – low level) Exportation process, KPIs development, Supply chain, bureaucratic issues, INCOTERMS, Office package, leadership, teamwork, administrative tools, SAP systems, and technical negotiation. I have more than 356 courses for more information about them, please check the provided link: or even my LinkedIn profile: